By Bob Burns | Fountain Hills Times
The Fountain Hills Town Council voted 5-1 to approve a special use permit application to allow residential housing units as part of an existing office building on Avenue of the Fountains. Councilman Allen Skillicorn cast the dissenting vote.
The building known as the Belvedere Suites at 16622 Avenue of the Fountains has been in partial use as a boutique hotel since earlier this year. The owner, Vladimir Buer asked for the permit so he can convert the suites to residential homes. The application allows up to five units. The plan calls for the top floor of the two-story structure to be residential with rear units on the first floor converted to residential. Suites on the first floor facing the Avenue will remain as retail and office as they currently are.
The town’s zoning regulations allow for upper level residential in the downtown area. However, the proposed units on the first floor in the rear require the permit. Also, the building must maintain some retail or office space fronting the street in the commercial zoning district.
Operating as the hotel was acceptable in the existing commercial zoning district.
There will be three units on the second floor and two on the first level. One suite has three bedrooms, and the others will have two bedrooms. All units will have two bathrooms and a full kitchen. They are 900 and 1,000 square feet.
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Related: The Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission voted to postpone any action on an application for a special use permit to allow a residential development on four adjoining parcels just off El Pueblo Boulevard east of Fountain Hills Boulevard. The proposal includes four two-story, multi-family buildings, each with three units. – Fountain Hills P&Z Postpones Special Use Permit Application (subscriber content)