Revised July 2021

UPDATE: Scottsdale REALTORS® is hearing complaints from residents and HOAs about agents who are not in compliance with open house sign ordinances. Cities are taking notice, and some are revisiting enforcement options such as sign permit fees and display restrictions; proactively policing ourselves will help prevent negative repercussions such as these.

Open House Sign Ordinances

The following ordinances are compiled for your convenience. We do our best to ensure accuracy, but encourage you to verify all information. Click on the links below to see the open house sign ordinances in each municipality.


Town of Carefree Zoning Ordinance; Article VIII; Section 12.K | REAL ESTATE SIGNS PDF (Eff. 1/3/2019)

  1. An “Open House” sign is allowed only for any residential use and nonresidential condominiums
  2. An “Open House” sign shall be a sandwich or tent style with a maximum height of three (3) feet
  3. An “Open House” sign shall contain the words “Open House” and/or an arrow.  It may also include:
    • The address of the property, and/or
    • The name and/or logotype of the listing broker, or agent and/or their contact information, or
    • If the home is “For Sale by Owner” (“FSBO”), the name and/or contact information of the property owner or their representative
  4. An “Open House” sign may only be displayed during the actual hours of the open house and while the property owner or selling broker/representative is present at the open house
  5. “Open House” signs shall have no riders or attachments, except one (1) rider having maximum dimensions of 6”x24”, only displaying the name and/or contact information for the owner of the subject property, or the respective selling broker
  6. One (1) onsite “Open House” sign is allowed on the subject property.  No permit is required for this sign.
  7. In addition to the onsite “Open House” sign, up to eight (8) additional offsite “Open House” signs located in the Town right-of-way may be allowed per any one (1) open house, subject to the following:
    • Pursuant to Carefree Town Code Article 11-3, Section 11-3-3, an open house sign permit is required for offsite “Open House” signs
    • An offsite “Open House” sign shall pertain only to a property located in the Town of Carefree
    • One (1) “Open House” sign is allowed at the intersection of two (2) or more streets
    • Two (2) signs are allowed at street intersections on Cave Creek Road or Tom Darlington Drive, one on each side of the right-of-way
    • Properties which are not located at the corner of an intersection, but which have access fronting Cave Creek Road or Tom Darlington Drive, may have one (1) sign in the right-of-way on the side opposite to their property
    • One (1) sign may be placed in the right-of-way where a curve in the street is sharper than a right angle, but where there is no intersecting street
    • For gated communities, one (1) “Open House” sign may be placed at the entrance in the common area or the right-of-way adjacent to the gated entrance. Such sign shall be approved by the respective homeowners’ association
    • Signs are not allowed in any medians that divide portions of paved or unpaved roads
    • The “Open House” sign shall be placed a minimum of one (1) foot behind the curb. If no curb is present, signs shall be located a minimum of three (3) feet from the edge of the pavement
    • No sign shall be placed so as to obstruct pedestrian, bicycle, and/or vehicular traffic and visibility
    • Sign placement and/or quantity of signs, other than as described above, may be approved by the town zoning administrator.



Town of Cave Creek Zoning Ordinance O2019-02 Amendment, Chapter 9 Signage (Eff. 2/21/2020)

For Realtors and Garage Sales:
• Non-permanent signs may be placed within Town Rights-of-Way classified as a minor collector
or a local road, (which are all streets other than Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road), and
do not require a permit as long as they are not placed in a travel lane, median or driveway. Also,
the sign cannot exceed three (3) feet in height or six (6)-square-feet in area, and it cannot be
displayed for more than 48 consecutive hours.

Signs Proposed Within the Town’s Right-of-Way along Cave Creek Road or Carefree
• A Right-of-Way Permit is required for a sign proposed to be placed within the Town’s right-ofway along Carefree Highway or Cave Creek Road. Right-of-Way permitting is covered in
Chapter 93, Section 93.16 of the Town Code. Each applicant is limited to four permits for
placement of signs in the right-of-way, the duration of which may not exceed 10 days per
application. A Right-of-Way Permit application is available.



Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance; Sections 6.07 – 6.08

  1. Signs shall not be located within the public right-of-way (enforcement delayed)
  2. Yard signs and Open house directional signs must be placed on private property; with the permission of the property owner secured
  3. One (1) directional sign may be placed on private property at each turning movement beginning at the subject property out to a major street with a maximum of five (5) additional signs allowed for each residence for sale, lease or rent
  4. Maximum area for each sign shall be six (6) square feet in single-family zoning districts and eight (8) square feet in all other zoning districts
  5. A-frame and directional signs maximum height allowed is three (3) feet in single-family zoning districts and five (5) feet in all other zoning districts
  6. Signs shall not be illuminated
  7. No sign is allowed on sidewalks or within the center medians that divide portions of paved or unpaved roadways or placed in a manner that interferes with pedestrian movement, obstructs ADA access, or obstructs the visibility of any authorized traffic sign, traffic signal, or blocks the vehicular line of sight at a street intersection or driveway
  8. No sign shall be placed within the Shea Boulevard public right-of-way or designated sign free zones.



Town of Paradise Valley Zoning Ordinance; Chapter XXV

  1. All signs must be placed, posted or affixed on private property only. Signs are not allowed to be placed or erected, either temporary or permanent, in the public right-of-way, or upon public property except as authorized by Code and must comply with the limitations of  Table XXV-1. Signs must not be placed or mounted on utility or traffic control structures
  2. Prior to erection all temporary signs must receive a permit issued by the Town
  3. Open house directional signs may be used to direct traffic to a residence for sale, lease, or rent – they must be placed on private property and must be removed each day no later than sunset
  4. Maximum number of directional signs is six (6) for each residence for sale, lease or rent
  5. Maximum area for each sign is three (3) square feet
  6. Signs will have a maximum height of thirty-six (36) inches
  7. Signs shall NOT be illuminated, display balloons, flags or make noise
  8. No sign is allowed on sidewalks or within the center medians that divide portions of paved or unpaved roadways
  9. Open house signs may only be displayed between sunrise and sunset; all temporary signs must be removed each day no later than sunset.



City of Phoenix Zoning Ordinance; Chapter 7; Section 705

  1. A sign that is visible from a public street shall not require a sign permit if the sole purpose of the sign is to provide on-site directional or locational information
  2. Planning and Development staff may issue permits for temporary events (open houses)
  3. Balloons, banners and pennants may be used as temporary signs during an open house, but only when a person is on duty at the open house
    • Balloons shall be subject to the following safety standards: be securely fastened, be set back from the property line at least one foot for each foot of the height of the balloon, including tethering cord, and shall not project above the roofline
    • Banners shall be subject to the following safety standards: be attached to a solid structure in a secure manner, have a minimum clearance of eight feet above grade when placed above an area open for the common or general use of the public, be vented to ensure they will withstand wind pressure from any direction applied to the projected exposed area, and shall not project above the roofline
  4. Portable “A” frame signs, pennants, streamers, or other similar devices are not permitted, except as directional signs for open houses (see #6 below).
  5. Temporary, nonilluminated, real estate signs, not more than six square feet in area, advertising the sale or rental of premises on which the sign is located do not require a permit.
  6. Six (6) real estate directional signs, which may be portable, are allowed for an open house. Each sign shall not exceed an area of four square feet, shall be erected only when a person is on duty at the open house, and shall not be erected without the consent of the property owner on whose property it is erected.
  7. Limited to no more than four (4) events at one site in a calendar year.
  8. No sign shall emit any sound which is intended to attract attention beyond the boundaries of the lot on which it is located or which creates a public nuisance.
  9. No sign shall be animated or contain the optical illusion of sign movement, except as may be allowed in the commercial land use designations as defined in Section 705.D.1.a, subject to obtaining a use permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 307.
  10. No sign shall occupy public property in any manner, nor shall any sign extend across a property line where such property line borders a public or private street, highway, alley, lane, parkway, avenue, road, sidewalk, or other right-of-way, whether such a right-of-way has been dedicated to the public in fee or by easement, and whether or not such right-of-way has been used as right-of-way.
  11. Planning and Development personnel may, without notification, cause to be removed any temporary or portable sign erected upon or projecting into public property.
  12. Signs are prohibited to interfere with visibility at street intersections or driveways. at all public street intersections, there shall be no sign erected between the heights of three (3) feet and ten (10) feet and no obstruction to vision between those heights.
  13. No sign shall be erected, operated, used or maintained which:
    • Due to its position, shape, color, format, or illumination, obstructs the view of, or may be confused with, an official traffic sign, signal, or device or any other official sign.
    • Displays lights resembling the flashing lights customarily associated with danger or those used by police, fire, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles.
    • Uses in a manner which may confuse motor vehicle operators, the words “stop,” “warning,” “danger,” “turn,” or similar words implying the existence of danger or the need for stopping or maneuvering.
    • Creates in any other way an unsafe distraction for motor vehicle operations.
    • Obstructs the view of motor vehicle operators entering a public roadway from any parking area, service drive, alley, or other thoroughfare.



Article VIII – Sign Requirements – Section 8.600 – Temporary Signs Allowed

  1. Open house directional signs shall be used to direct traffic to a residence for sale
  2. Such sign shall be used only when a sales person or homeowner or homeowner’s agent is present during the time of the open house; between the hours of 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  3. A total of six (6) off-premise open house directional signs shall be allowed at a rate of one (1) sign per each turning movement beginning at the residence for sale and allowed for a maximum one-half (1/2) mile radius distance from the residence for sale
  4. The maximum area of each such sign shall be six (6) square feet
  5. The maximum height of such sign shall be three (3) feet
  6. Prohibited elements: No illumination, searchlights, amplified sound, animation, reflective materials, or attachments including, but not limited to, balloons, flags, pinwheels, ribbons, or speakers
  7. Such sign shall not be placed in any right-of-way, sidewalk, median, bike path, trail, pedestrian pathway or create a traffic hazard
  8. Shall not be attached or placed on a light pole, directional sign or supports, traffic control device, utility cabinet, bridges, or other similar structures.


For Sale/Rent/Lease Sign Ordinances
The Arizona REALTORS® state association has a summary of For Sale Sign Laws in Arizona and the rules regulating restrictions from HOAs here: