What is RAPAC / RPAC?

RAPAC stands for the REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee while RPAC stands for the national REALTORS® Political Action Committee.

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The REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC) is a member-sponsored non-profit political action committee organized for the sole purpose to advance the interests of REALTORS®.

RAPAC funds are used to build the future by putting dollars in places that will advance the interests of REALTORS® by supporting candidates running for local, state and federal office whose position on real estate regulation and a free-market business environment most closely represent the initiatives of REALTORS®.  RAPAC contributes to and channels resources into races that will have the most impact on the real estate industry.

RAPAC is a vital part of our REALTOR® advocacy efforts which focuses on building long-term political relationships and strives to educate city council members, legislators and members of congress about our industry to guarantee that no decision is made that will affect our industry, good or bad, until our voice is heard.


  • RAPAC money must come from voluntary individual member contributions and not from member’s dues.
  • Contributions to RAPAC are restricted. According to Federal Election Law, only individual REALTOR® association members (non-corporate members) and their families are eligible to contribute.
  • RAPAC operates independently of any political party.
  • RAPAC is a certified Mega-PAC registered with the state of Arizona
    • Mega-PAC status is official certification that a PAC has received contributions from 500 or more individuals in amounts of $10 or more.
    • All campaign finance reports are properly filed with the Arizona Secretary of State.
  • Individual contributions are properly reported, as required by campaign finance laws.

Owning It For 50 Years - RPAC

Thanks to our 2024 Major Investors

PLATINUM R | $10,000

Stacey Krolak Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon

GOLDEN R | $5,000

Dr. Steve Bauman President's Circle flag icon
Polly Blackwell President's Circle flag icon
Doug Groppenbacher Hall of Fame torch icon$50K
Shauna Huisman President's Circle flag icon
Tricia Lehane President's Circle flag icon
Sandy Lunsford President's Circle flag icon
James McGiffert Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon
Peggy Neely
Jessica Noble President's Circle flag icon
Sindy Ready Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon
Paula Serven Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon
Debbie Shields Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon
Chey Tor President's Circle flag icon

CRYSTAL R | $2,500

Rebecca Grossman Hall of Fame torch icon$25KPresident's Circle flag icon

STERLING R | $1,000
Paul Baker
Carolyn Bray
Jeffrey Brugman
Allison Cahill
Riley Cilley
Elaine Grill
Mauricio Lacerda
Becca Linnig
Sheila Long
Kenneth O’Connor
David Schmid
Beth Steele
Joyce Tawes
Lyn Trayte

Lynn Clayton
Jessica Lonn

Contribution Policy

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RAPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your state reaches its RPAC goal, 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S. C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates.