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Fountain Hills Town Council Hears Support for
Four Peaks Plaza Apartment Project

By December 21, 2023No Comments

By Bob Burns | Fountain Hills Times

Earlier this month the Planning and Zoning Commission heard more than a dozen citizens speak in opposition to a proposed apartment complex as redevelopment of the western half of the Four Peaks Plaza (Target) on Shea Boulevard.

At the Town Council meeting Dec. 19, the script was flipped as more than a dozen stepped up to the podium during “Call to the Public” to speak in support of the plan. The council cannot respond to comments made during the public call, however, the council is scheduled to hold its own hearing on a rezoning request and consider approval when it meets Wednesday, Jan. 17.

Pam Cap was the first to speak and she noted that an article on the proposed project on the Arizona Building Exchange website highlighted the difficulty developers have getting land use approvals in Fountain Hills. The town is carrying that reputation, Cap noted.

“This (project) will bring people closer to work in Fountain Hills and increase revenue $500,000,” she said. “Listen to the people who have the information, not to the fearmongers.”

Phil Sveum told the council he finds the project “intriguing” based on its “wraparound” feature with living units constructed around the parking structure.

“I have experience with a wraparound structure, and it is an efficient way to handle parking,” he said. “Density may be an issue, but there are always trade offs with a project like this. This will benefit Target and other businesses.

“I urge you to look further into the advantages.”

Art Tolis is a former Town Council member and local businessman, and said he supports the proposed project, although he understands some of the concerns.

“Every project has controversy. Either you are for development, or you are not,” Tolis said. “I’ve been hearing about potential new businesses in conjunction with this plan. I believe this will be successful.

“This plan is perfect for the area, it is a ‘win-win’.”

Planning and Zoning Commissioner Clayton Corey supported the project and moved to recommend approval before the commission. He was before the council reiterating his reasons for support.

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Related: Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Rejects Apt. Plan