Advertising Opportunities

Looking to advertise with Scottsdale REALTORS®? Individuals and companies that are actively engaged in business or professions that are complimentary to the real estate profession are welcome to advertise to our over 8,800 members in the Home Services Guide and weekly eNewsletter.

All ads must conform to our Advertising Policies, and SAAR reserves the right to refuse or request an alternative ad if any submitted ad does not adhere to those policies.

Scottsdale REALTORS® Home Services Guide:

The Home Services Guide is a unique and memorable way to connect you to our members and their clients with advertising opportunities for you and your business. The guide is available both in print and digital versions, making it readily accessible to our audience. It is distributed to our members and visitors to Venue8600. Our members will pass it along to their clients before and after real estate transactions. That helps us achieve our goal of our publication – and your business information – ending up in the hands of homeowners across the Valley. Click here for more information.

SPECS: Please click here.

Advertise in the SAAR Home Services Guide

One-Month Scottsdale REALTORS® Promotion:

  • Flat fee of $100/month
  • Ad placement in our eNewsletter is distributed to our subscribers (2x month)
  • Ad placement on digital signage at Scottsdale REALTORS® | Venue8600 (1 month)
  • Ads must be provided to and approved by our Marketing Department

SPECS: All advertisers must submit two ads, one for our eNewsletter and one for digital signage. You can choose to have the same information in each of the two ads, or something different in each one.

Schedule a 1-Month Promotion

Six-Month Scottsdale REALTORS® Promotion:

  • Flat fee of $500/6 months
  • Ad placement in eNewsletter distributed to our subscribers (2x month)
  • Ad placement on digital signage at Scottsdale REALTORS® | Venue8600 (6 months)
  • Flexibility to change ad each month
  • Ads must be provided to and approved by our Marketing Department

SPECS: All advertisers must submit two ads, one for our eNewsletter and one for digital signage. You can choose to have the same information in each of the two ads, or something different in each one.

Schedule a 6-Month Promotion

Questions about your ad? Please email